Project Report For


Project report for Buffalo Dairy Farming is as follows.

The domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) contributes significantly to worldwide milk production and is the primary milk producer in some nations. Buffaloes are mostly raised by small-scale producers in underdeveloped nations, who grow one or two animals in mixed crop-livestock systems. Water buffaloes are divided into two subspecies: river buffaloes and swamp buffaloes.

River buffaloes account for around 70% of the world’s water buffalo population. River buffalo milk contributes significantly to overall milk production in India and Pakistan, and it is also essential in the Middle East Swamp buffaloes are smaller and produce less milk than river buffaloes. They are mostly found in Eastern Asia and are bred for draught power.

River buffaloes typically generate 1500 to 4500 litres of milk each lactation. They have a far longer productive life than cattle, producing calves and milk until they reach up to 20 years old. Many variables limit commercial buffalo milk production, including the animals’ late age at first calving, oestrus seasonality, and the long calving gap and dry period.

River buffalo milk output has been improved by breeding programmes in recent decades, particularly in Bulgaria, China, Egypt, India, and Pakistan. Murrah, Nili-Ravi, Kundi, Surti, Taken a closer look, Bhadawari, and Mehsana are well-known specialist dairy buffalo breeds.

Market Potential Of Buffalo Dairy Farming

Among all animal products, milk is the most nutritious. It provides the different important dietary elements necessary by the human body incorrect quantities in an easily digestible form. The addition of milk to the human diet improves the digestibility of other foods as well. Milk productivity varies by country, as some are surplus producers, some are deficit producers, and in certain cases, availability meets demand. In 2020-21, India’s annual milk output was 155.5 million tonnes, and per capita, milk availability was 337 grammes per day.

Milk is produced in India by a huge number of small, medium, and large-sized farms. The number of commercial dairy farms in metro and major city urban and semi-urban regions is increasing exponentially. buffaloes produce 49% of all milk, followed by crossbred and exotic cows, indigenous cows, and goats, who produce 27%, 21%, and 3%, respectively. Camel, sheep, and yak milk are also used in small quantities. Uttar Pradesh is India’s top milk production, followed by Rajasthan. Milk availability per capita was highest in Punjab, at 1075 grammes, followed by Haryana, at 930 grammes, and Delhi, at 35 grammes. Milk demand is rising in cities, small towns, and rural regions. The following variables are driving this rising demand: fast population growth, the expansion of education, growing nutritional awareness, and increased consumer purchasing power.

In India, dairy farming has progressed from an agricultural way of life to a professionally managed business. A huge number of rural families in India are involved in dairy farming, which is a significant source of supplementary income for them. In India, raw milk is considered fresh by the majority of customers and has a sizable market. In India, traditional dietary patterns account for around 60% of milk consumption in liquid form, with the remainder consumed in the form of ghee, cheese, curd, paneer, ice cream, dairy whiteners, and traditional sweets.

Project Report Sample On Buffalo Dairy Farming

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