Project Report For Kadaknath Farming


Project report for Kadaknath Farming is as follows.

The breed “Kadaknath” is unique because of its meat colour, which is black, as well as its meat health benefits. Kadaknath chicken farming is a low-maintenance profitable business that employs a large number of people directly or indirectly related to the business.


Kadaknath Farming

Market potential & Strategy

Kadaknath is a unique Indian poultry breed that originated in the Jhabua area of India Basically, the Kadaknath breed is recognised for its black meat and is abbreviated as BMC (black meat chicken).
These birds, in particular, have a high therapeutic value in homoeopathy. and are beneficial in the treatment of a specific nerve condition Generally, tribal groups in Bhil and Bhilala in the districts of Jhabua and Dhar in the state of Madhya Pradesh rear Kadaknath chickens (MP). Kadaknath chicken raising on a commercial scale, particularly in Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Tamil Nadu. The meat of Kadaknath chicken is black, while the eggs are brown. The new Kadaknath production process has cut the mortality rate in half.50 per cent or higher Now you may expect a mortality rate of 10 to 12 per cent, which has improved the survival rate and overall earnings in Kadaknath chicken farming. These birds can gain 1.10 to 1.25 kg in body weight in 100 to 125 days due to their excellent feed efficiency. Kadaknath hens can be raised in the same way that country or free-range chickens are. However, growing in a controlled environment may necessitate a little more attention at first. They can then be released into the wide field. These birds can be raised in backyards.

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