Project Report For Handbag and purse
Project report for handbag and purse is as follows.
A handbag and purse are any bag or case that may be carried by hand or over one’s shoulder. Women have typically purchased such purses to hold their cosmetics, money, and personal things. Handbags and purses can be made from a variety of materials, such as leather, denim, vinyl, and straw. Handbags can also be closed in another fashion, such as by collecting the straps or using a snap or clasp. When studying the handbag category, several industry trackers have begun to add tiny totes and camera bags. Historically, such goods were considered baggage. However, as more people consider mobile phones, iPods, and other portable electronics to be needed, the conventional definition of a purse is expanding.Â
Some handbags are more well-known than others. A change purse is a tiny purse that may be closed with a zipper, clasp, or snap to keep loose change. It is often carried in a bigger purse. A clutch is a bag with no handles that must be held in one hand or carried under the arm. A satchel is a bag having a wide, flat bottom, a top that zips or clasps, and two handles or straps. Totes are medium-sized bags with two straps.
There are several handbag styles to choose from. The shape or substance of the bag frequently influences its name. A box bag, according to, is a hard-sided handbag that is square or rectangular in shape and has a metal, bone, shell, or wooden handle. A flat, square, or rectangular bag with a triangle-shaped top flap that folds over like an envelope is known as an envelope purse. A half-moon bag is any bag with or without a handle that is shaped like a half-moon. A canteen bag is a spherical, stiff pouch similar to a water flask. A bucket bag features a bucket form, an open top, and a shoulder strap. A baguette is a tiny, long, and narrow bag that looks like a loaf of French bread.
Market potential & Strategy
The worldwide handbag market was estimated at USD 49.12 billion in 2021, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.8% predicted during the forecast period. Handbags have become one of the most popular personal items in recent years. The availability, visibility, and attractiveness of diverse handbags have increased their global awareness and performance. Handbags are made from a variety of materials such as mesh, leather, nylon, straw, canvas, vegan leather, and jute and are used by everyone for a variety of functions in their daily lives. For example, individuals choose canvas handbags for shopping; people in the business sector prefer leather bags, and ladies prefer clutches or wristlet handbags for parties or a night out.
In 2021, the offline distribution channel segment dominated the global market, accounting for more than 79.00% of total revenue. During the forecast period, the segment is expected to increase at a stable rate. Customers’ preference for purchasing high-end items from exclusive stores or business stores is a significant element driving the rise of this market. These corporate stores provide clients with a personalized experience and allow them to physically examine the quality of the handbags.
One of the most traded commodities worldwide is leather. The fashion business consistently has a need for leather, which is supported by footwear, travel bags, and accessories like purses. This is because more light leather is being produced for handbags and imported from Asian nations including China, India, and Vietnam. Japan and the United States are the two main importers of leather for handbags. However, India has developed into one of those opportunistic markets for the importation of leather handbags for large corporations from the United States and Europe after being stung by high import tariff rates of leather from China in 2018.